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Evolution over time of the causes of module failure

Module Fault Trends

  • Total defects observed in the modules: 30%

  • Total defects observed in backsheets: 16%

  • Total defects observed in cells/interconnections: 12% 

  • Total encapsulant defects observed: 7%

Evolution over time of the causes of module failure


Source :  DuPont Photovoltaic and Advanced Materials 2020

Types of module faults


  • Backsheet: outer layer (air side) and inner layer (cell side) cracking, delamination, yellowing

  • Cell / Interconnection: corrosion, hot spot, Snail trail, broken interconnection, cracks, burn marks (shunts)

  • Encapsulant: discoloration, browning, delamination

  • Others: glass defects, loss of AR coating, junction box


Source :  DuPont Photovoltaic and Advanced Materials 2020

Photovoltaic systems and modules are exposed to a wide range of stress factors over a very long period of time. These stresses induce the aging of the materials and therefore the degradation of the panels.


The resulting problems or risks concern both

  • loss of electrical protection, safety issues

  • loss of conversion efficiency / degradation of output power

The financial and security impact can become very significant.

Findings from the field survey
PVDF and PA.jpg

Source: DuPont Photovoltaic and Advanced Materials 2020

​Cracking affects the electrical integrity of the photovoltaic panel. In most cases, such degradation could be corrected

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